A day in the garden I was talking to a friend
I`ll remember this day from now on `till the end
We were having a talk about music writer trends
how to write a song. I said:
”Hvorfor skriver vi ikke en sang på engelsk,
jeg mener, det har vi aldrig prøvet før?”
She said:”Ja, vi skal skrive en sang på engelsk
ligesom de andre gør”.
And this song should be a concept description:
What I said to her, and what she said to me.
We had coffee in the garden the sky was blue
and the story`s true. We said:
”Det er da for fedt!” and we laughed in celebration
now we should try to put life to translation, she asked:
”Hvad skal vi kalde en sang som den?”
I said: ”A Day In The Garden”
I feel happy to sing
these words `cause they bring
a certain feeling of importance.
Yes, I felt like a star, I said:
”Nu er vi klar
til at spille på Den Gyldne i Horsens.
”Like Aretha and James
we can add our names,
but then she asked:
”For øvrigt, hvad er klokken?”
I said: ”Ti over fem”
she said: ”Så må jeg hjem!”
We said: ”Farvel!”
and she started walkin`.
”Hvorfor skriver vi ikke en sang på engelsk,
jeg mener, det har vi aldrig prøvet før?”
She said: ”Ja, vi skal skrive en sang på engelsk
ligesom de andre gør”.
”Det er da for fedt!” and we laughed in celebration
now we should try to putlife to translation, she asked:
”Hvad skal vi kalde en sang som den?”
I said: ”A Day In The Garden”